Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 8

In a way I have really gotten used to being on Accutane and therefore pay much less attention to the state of my face from day to day. At the same time, it's breaking out less and getting smoother everyday, so there is less to worry about. Even though I broke out some today, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Changes to my skin
A few days ago I had a breakout that was definitely due to my period. I got one ginormous pustule on my left cheek that was really a combination of like 2 or 3 pustules sitting right next to eachother (I should've taken a pic but I didn't). It was huge and ugly. Also on my left cheek were two smaller whiteheads that you could barely see, and a few small whiteheads on my right jawline. But that was it. Aside from the monster, the rest were so much smaller than breakouts past and that really made me feel optimistic. The rest of my face was clear and smooth. Those blemishes started to heal within 2 days and now are scabbing over and subsiding. Today I broke out some - a few small blemishes on my left cheek and chin (my left cheek is being very stubborn!) My hope is that this is near the end for what seems like weekly breakouts and I start to see really consistent improvements.

Side effects
Aches and Pains
By far the biggest side effect lately has been back aches. My lower back is sore all the time. Still haven't had to take pain killers for it, but it's definitely noticeable. I am also very stiff and sore in my joints - my hips, my knees, and my ankles. But, I'm still training for this 5k in October and running 3 miles 2 or 3 times a week can definitely be to blame for at least some of the soreness.

Dry Lips
Still. duh. Aquaphor.

That's about it. Just waiting to see permanent results. I am going to a wedding in a week and wouldn't it be great if my skin was lookin all radiant and fabulous when I see my family again??

These pics are a bit blurry but I couldn't get my camera to do much better.

Week 7

This week I'm only posting pics cause I haven't had the time to write a full post. But let's be real - the pics are the best part, right? Things are looking up and progress is being made. A lot of what you see is light and dark spots, not active pimples.